After analysing the results from my surveys, I was able to find out key information about my target audience about what they look for in a product.
I have found that:
- The majority of my target audience are female
- My target age group will be mainly 8-11 year olds
- The majority of my target audience are interested in school and friends
- Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel are most watched among my target audience
- A mixture of characters (girls, boys and adults) are preferred in a TV drama
- The preffered length of an opening sequence was between 1 minute and 1 minute 30 seconds
- 84% of my target audience prefer a few of the main characters to appear in the opening sequence, as opposed to all of the characters
- A catchy tune was preffered by my target audience
- My target audience wanted the setting of the opening sequence to relate to the programme
This image shows that most of the people that answered my survey were females. This suggests that I may need to aim my product slightly towards females as they would be more interested in my products. It would be a waste of time aiming the products more at boys if they are not going to be interested.
This graph shows the age distribution of people who answered my survey. Noone who fell into the youngest category (0-3) or the oldest category (16+) answered my survey, so I will not be aiming my product at them. The most common age category of people answering my survey was 8-11 so I will be mainly aiming my products at them. My products will be suitable for children of all ages, but they will be mainly directed at this age category.
This graph shows what other TV channels my target audience watch. Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel are the most watched channels by my target audience. This shows that I need to create a programme that fits in with similar products from these channels. Disney XD was the least watched channel among my target audience so it would be a waste of time to focus heavily on the programmes produced by this channel.
This image shows the type of characters that my target audience like to see in a TV drama. The results show that a mixture of boys, girls and adults is preferred. I will take this on board and aim to include characters from these three groups in my final audiovisual media product.
I also found out what my target audience would like to see in the products of my ancillary tasks:
- The title of the DVD, an image and the logo of the programme were all things that my target audience wanted on a DVD front cover
- Half of my target audience wanted 5 or more characters on the DVD front cover
- A variety of colours was the chosen colour scheme from the target audience
- For the magazine front cover, the target audience only wanted to see 1 or 2 characters on the cover
- A variety of colours was, again, the chosen colour scheme
- An image, cover lines and the magazine logo were things that 100% of my target audience wanted on a magazine front cover
This image shows the answers that my target audience gave to the question of what they would like to see on the DVD cover. All of my target audience definately wanted to see the title of the DVD and an image to illustrate the DVD cover. The majority of people that answered my survey aslso wanted the logo of the programme to be on the DVD cover. If i want my product to be successful with my target audience, I must make sure that these items are featured on my DVD cover.
This graph shows the colours that my target audience would like to see on a DVD and magazine front cover. All of the suggested colours were popular among the target audience. However, all of the people answering my survey said they would like a mixture of colours. I think it would be best to use a mixture of the suggested colours to appeal to my target audience.
This image shows the amount of characters my target audience would like to see on the front cover of the magazine. Noone who answered my survey said they wanted to see more than 5 characters on the front cover of the magazine. The most popular answer was one main character. This suggests that for the magazine front cover, I should create an issue that focuses mainly on one of the characters.
I can now use all of this information to plan and produce my products with a clear veiw of what my target audience are looking for, making my product more successful.